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Dalam rangka kegiatan di lingkungan Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen Koordinasi Sekretariat Persiapan dan Pengembangan MCC Tahun 2010 Kementerian Negara Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Bappenas tahun anggaran 2010, dibutuhkan Konsultan Individual untuk kegiatan Sekretariat Persiapan dan Pengembangan Millenium Challenge Corporation (MCC) TA.2010 yaitu:

* Program Coordinator, Code: PC

* Perkiraan biaya: Rp. 495.000.000,-
* Minimal Sarjana (S2) in Engineering, Economics, Financial or Social

* Comunications Spesialist, Code: CS

* Perkiraan biaya: Rp. 270.000.000,-
* Minimal Sarjana (S2) in any major preferably Communication

* Economist and Finance, Code: EFC

* Perkiraan biaya: Rp. 360.000.000,-
* Minimal Sarjana (S2) in Economics or Financial

* Environmental Spesialist, Code: ENS

* Perkiraan biaya: Rp. 315.000.000,-
* Minimal Sarjana (S2) in Environment Engineering or Environment Economics

* Social Spesialist, Code: SS

* Perkiraan biaya: Rp. 315.000.000,-
* Minimal Sarjana (S2) in Sociology or Antropology

* Monitoring and Evaluation Spesialist, Code: ME

* Perkiraan biaya: Rp. 270.000.000,-
* Minimal Sarjana (S2) in Engineering or Economics

* Procurement Spesialist, Code: PS

* Perkiraan biaya: Rp. 315.000.000,-
* Minimal Sarjana (S2) in Engineering or Economics

* Economist Assistant, Code: EA-1

* Perkiraan biaya: Rp. 153.000.000,-
* Minimal Sarjana (S1) in Engineering or Economics

* Finance Assistant, Code: FA

* Perkiraan biaya: Rp. 153.000.000,-
* Minimal Sarjana (S1) in Engineering or Economics

* Environmental Assistant Code: EA-2

* Perkiraan biaya: Rp. 153.000.000,-
* Minimal Sarjana (S1) in Environment Engineering, Environment Economics, Geography, or Forestry

* Social Assistant, Code: SA

* Perkiraan biaya: Rp. 153.000.000,-
* Minimal Sarjana (S1) in Sociology or Antropology

Pendaftaran dan pengambilan dokumen prakualifikasi secara langsung di Sekretariat Panitia tanggal 29 Maret s.d 7 April 2010. Pemasukan dokumen prakualifikasi paling lambat tanggal 9 April 2010 pukul 15.00 WIB. Untuk Konfirmasi Hubungi Sekretariat Jl Sunda Kelapa No.9 Jakarta Telp, (021) 31936207/(021) 3929094. Untuk persyaratan selengkapnya silahkan download info resminya dari link berikut ini. Download
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Bank Mega Syariah

Bank Mega Syariah continues to expand developing micro financing business segment with brands MEGA PARTNER SYARIAH (M2S), operates the first time on July 8, 2008 and to date M2S has 210 branch offices with total financing disbursed nearly Rp.2 trillion and has more than 35,000 customers, and the unit will continue to grow consistently.

In the context of business development, Bank Mega Syariah open up opportunities for qualified individuals to fill positions as:


* Male / Female (1-6), Male (7)
* Age max 37 years old (1,2,6,7), 25 years old (3,4,5)
* Min S1 (1 & 6), D3 (2,3,4,7)
* Min 2 years Banking experience (1,5 & 6)
* Having good communication skills
* Having a network and extensive communication and liked the work in the field (1,2,5,7)
* Ready to work under pressure and target-oriented, love challenges and honest (1,2,5,7)
* Have computer and administration skills (1-6)
* Attractive appearance and good communication (1-4)
* Minimum height 160 cm (Female), 165 cm (Male), proportional weight (1-4)
* Have own vehicle and motorcycle driver's license (SIM C) preferred (2 & 7)
* Placement: Jabodetabek, West Java, Central Java, West Sumatra, South Sumatra, North Sumatra, South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, North Sulawesi, Central Kalimantan
* Benefit Found: career path, basic salary, incentives, Health Insurance and Jamsostek

Bring complete application at the time of WALK IN INTERVIEW
Saturday, April 10, 2010 at 09.00 - 14.00
Wisma BPPK Gedung BPPK Jakarta Pusat
Jl. Budi Utomo No 3 Jakarta

Complete application letter with recent photograph (4x6 size), id card (KTP), references, certificates and include the proposed position code at the top left corner of the envelope

For positions outside the Jabodetabek, application can be sent via post to:

PO BOX 4431 JKTM 12700

Application Via Post

8. Branch Manager (BM)

* Male / Female, max 40 years
* Min S1
* Min 10 years experience in banking and min 5 years experience leading branch
* Having good communication skills
* Oriented to target and manage portfolio

9. Gallery Head (GH)

* Male / Female, max 35 years old
* Min S1
* Min 5 years experience in banking, preferably in Banking Sales
* Having good communication skills
* Oriented to target and manage portfolio

10. Public Sector Team Leader

* Male / Female, max 35 years old
* Min S1
* Min 5 years experience in banking, preferably in Banking Sales
* Having good communication skills
* Oriented to target and manage portfolio

Special positions (8-10) applications sent via post to:

Complete application letter with recent photograph 4x6 size, their identification card, references, certificates and include the proposed position code at the top left corner of the envelope

PO BOX 4431 JKTM 12700

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Telkom Indonesia

PT. Infomedia Nusantara by Telkom Indonesia adalah penyedia layanan informasi dan komunikasi pertama di Indonesia. Perusahaan kami terus melakukan inovasi dalam berbisnis dengan terus mengembangkan tiga layanan utama kami : Layanan Direktori, Layanan Contact Center dan Layanan Content.

Dalam proses pengembangan bisnis tersebut, saat ini kami membutuhkan kandidat yang berminat untuk bergabung di perusahaan kami dan berpartisipasi dalam proses tersebut. Saat ini, kami mencari kandidat untuk posisi:




(Kalimantan Timur)


* Laki-laki / Perempuan, Belum Menikah
* Usia max.26 tahun wanita & 28 tahum pria (1,2), 27 thn wanita & pria (3)
* Pendidikan min. D3 semua jurusan (1,2), SMU/Sederajat (3)
* IPK min. 2.5 ex Negeri, 2.75 ex Swasta
* Berpenampilan menarik
* Berat badan proporsional, tinggi badan min. 160 cm (wanita), 165 cm (pria)
* Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
* Sehat jasmani & rohani
* Lulus seluruh proses seleksi
* Penempatan Samarinda (1,3) Balikpapan (2)

Bagi yang berminat, silahkan kirimkan Surat Lamaran , CV, Fotokopo KTP, Pas foto 4x6 terbaru, Fotokopi Ijazah & Transkrip Nilai, dan Surat Keterangan Sehat ke :

PT. Infomedia Nusantara
Komp. Balikpapan Baru Blok A2 No. 1
JL. MT Haryono Balikpapan
Up : Maria Chiquitita (0812 5478 1984)
Yogi Ali Rahman (0852 2188 8733)

Grapari Telkomsel
Komplek Mall Lembuswana Blok A 16-18, Jl S Parman Samarinda
Up : Ibu Sari

atai via Email ke:

Hanya surat lamaran yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan diproses.

Seleksi dilakukan langsung di lokasi penempatan

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Domain Dot Com Gratis

Domain Dot Com Gratis ? wahhh mau donk .hehehe buat sobat yang kepengen punya domain dot com tapi ga bayar alias mau yang gratisan inilah informasinya .hehehe setelah seharian penuh klinik-it jalan-jalan berkeliling didunia maya bersama om google akhirnya klinik-it mendapatkan info yang cukup menarik dari blog sobat klinik-it, yaitu info mengenai domain dot com yang gratisan . kalo biasanya domain dot com bisa kita beli dengan harga 80 ribu ke atas kali ini sobat bisa dapet secara gratis.

Gimana cara dapetinya ? ikutin aja terus penelusuran klinik-it.hehehe domain dot com ini diberikan secara cuma-cuma tapi dengan satu sarat yaitu kita harus mengumpulkan poin, caranya gampang dan poin yang dikumpulkan juga ga banyak yaitu cuma 7 poin , tugas kita untuk mengunpulkan poin tersebut hanyalah mengajak teman untuk mendaftar ke situs tersebut melalui link referal kita ,setiap teman yang kita ajak kita akan mendapatkan 1 poin ,jadu kita harus mengajak 7 orang teman untuk mendapatkan 7 poin dan domain dot com gratisan. gampangkan syaratnya ? jika sobat tertarik untuk mendapatkan domain dotcom gratisan,silakan ikuti langkah-langkah di bawah ini untuk mendapatkan domain dot com gratisan..

1.Klik disini .

2.Setelah formulir pendaftaran terbuka isi formulir pendaftran dengan lengkap.

3.Beri tanda centang pada
I have read, and agree to abide by the Free Domains Box rules..


5.Setelah berhasil mendaftar akan ada email aktivasi yang akan dikirim ke akun email yang tadi sobat daftarkan.Buka email tersebut kemudian klik link aktivasinya.

6.Kemudian login melalui link tersebut .

7.Klik Refer Other People.

8.Selanjutnya tinggal sebarkan dan ajak temen-temen sobat untuk mendaftar melalui link referal sobat.

9.Cari sebanyak 7 orang untuk mendaftar melalui link referal sobat , 1 orang yang sobat ajak berarti sobat mendapatkan 1 poin dan jika 7 orang berarti 7 poin.

10.Setelah sobat telah berhasil mengumpulkan 7 poin silakan klik REQUEST free domain name . untuk merequest domainya.

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PT Pepsi Cola Indobeverages

We invite highly motivated individuals like you to join
to be a part of our team in this position below:

Team Sales ( Supervisor - Representatif - Taking Order - Motoris )
(Bali, Jakarta Raya, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Selatan, Kalimantan Tengah, Kalimantan Timur, Lampung, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Tengah, Sulawesi Tenggara, Sulawesi Utara, Sumatera Barat, Sumatera Selatan, Sumatera Utara, Yogyakarta)


* Candidate must possess at least a SMU, Diploma or Bachelor's Degree in any field.
* Required skill(s): Menyukai dunia sales, mampu mengoperasikan microsof office.
* Preferred skill(s): orientasi pada target.
* Preferably Senior Staffs specializing in Sales - Retail/General or equivalent. Job role in Supervisor/Team Lead or Sales Executive.
* 1 Full-Time and Contract position available.
* Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.

Kualifikasi Umum :
- Menyukai dunia sales & marketing
- Mempunyai bakat untuk menjual
- Berorientasi pada target
- Memiliki motivasi dan loyalitas tinggi
- Menguasai computer (Microsoft office dan internet)

Area Sales & Promotion Supervisor (ASPS) :
- Pria, max 37 tahun
- Pendidikan Min. D3 / S1 segala jurusan
- Pengalaman min. 2 tahun di sales
- Bertanggungjawab terhadap monitoring, eksekusi dan reporting promosi di area
- Bertanggungjawab terhadap bisnis proses dan team yang berada di areanya

Area Sales & Promotion Representatif (ASPR) :
- Pria, max 35 tahun
- Pendidikan min. SMA sederajat
- Pengalaman min. 1 tahun di sales
- Memiliki kendaraan : motor
- Monitoring stock point
- Memaintenance key outlet di setiap stock point dan open new outlets
- Pemasangan POS material & maintenance
- Membuat report aktifitas day per day dan progress report

Sales Taking Order (TO) / Sales Motoris (Motoris):
- Pria, max 30 tahun
- Pendidikan min. SMA sederajat
- Memiliki kendaraan : motor
- Membuka outlet baru retailer
- Membuat laporan penjualan harian, bulanan

If you are up to the challenge, we encourage you to apply for the above position. Please put the "Team Sales (Kode)" in the subject of your email and kindly send your comprehensive application letter and/or resume to:

Only short-listed candidates will be invited for interview

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Bank Mandiri

Bank Mandiri didirikan pada 2 Oktober 1998, sebagai bagian dari program restrukturisasi perbankan yang dilaksanakan oleh pemerintahan Indonesia.

Bank Mandiri sebagai salah satu bank terkemuka di Indonesia memberikan pelayanan kepada nasabah yang meliputi segmen usaha Corporate, Commercial, Micro & Retail, Consumer Finance dan Treasury & International. Bank Mandiri juga menawarkan jasa pasar modal, perbankan syariah dan asuransi melalui Mandiri Sekuritas, Bank Syariah Mandiri dan AXA Mandiri.

Bank Mandiri saat ini mempekerjakan lebih dari 22.000 karyawan dengan 1098 kantor cabang dan 6 kantor cabang/perwakilan/anak perusahaan di luar negeri. Layanan distribusi Bank Mandiri juga dilengkapi dengan 2.662 ATM, disamping 6.131 ATM yang merupakan jaringan LINK (jaringan ATM Bersama), dan electronic channels yang meliputi Internet Banking, SMS Banking dan Call Center 14000.

Sejak berdirinya, Bank Mandiri telah bekerja keras untuk menciptakan tim manajemen yang kuat dan professional yang bekerja berlandaskan pada prinsip-prinsip good corporate governance yang telah diakui secara internasional. AsiaMoney magazine memberikan penghargaan atas komitmen kami atas penerapan GCG dengan memberikan Corporate Governance Award untuk katagori Best Overall for Corporate Governance in Indonesia dan Best for Disclosure and transparency.

Bank Mandiri, mencari tenaga profesional yang siap bergabung untuk bersama-sama mengembangkan bisnis mikro, dengan jabatan sebagai :

Mandiri Micro Manager
(Jakarta Raya - Sumatera, Jawa, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Jayapura)

* Memimpin dan mengelola unit kredit mikro
* Mengembangkan portfolio kredit
* Melakukan supervisi kredit
* Mengkoordinir tim Sales
* Memberi keputusan kredit sesuai limit kewenangan
* Menangani administrasi kredit
* Melakukan monitoring dan penagihan


* Putra daerah : Pria / Wanita, max. 35 tahun
* Pendidikan min. D3 (diutamakan S1)
* IPK min. 2.50
* Tidak mempunyai keluarga inti yang berkerja di Bank Mandiri (orang tua, kakak/adik kandung, suami/istri)
* Pengalaman kerja min. 5 tahun : - - 3 tahun di bidang kredit mikro & 2 tahun di antaranya pernah memimpin unit pembiayaan mikro
* Memiliki keterampilan komunikasi yang baik, rapi, santun dengan kepercayaan diri yang tinggi merupakan nilai tambah

Cantumkan Wilayah Penempatan yang diharapkan.

Corporate Transaction Sales
(Jakarta Raya)

* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree (with minimum GPA: 2,75) in Engineering (Mining/Mineral), Engineering (Material Science), Engineering (Chemical), Engineering (Mechanical), Engineering (Civil), Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication), Engineering (Electrical/Electronic), Engineering (Others), Engineering (Environmental/Health/Safety), Engineering (Petroleum/Oil/Gas), Engineering (Industrial), Agriculture/Aquaculture/Forestry, Economics, Marketing, Finance/Accountancy/Banking, Law or equivalent.
* Max Age 35 years old
* Having a good appearance
* Preferably Managers specializing in Sales - Corporate or equivalent
* At least 2 year(s) of working experience in marketing/sales/relationship manager in Banking Industry
* Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia
* Able to operate any system in information technology
* Having professional experince in handling corporate customer and syndication
* Knowledge in structured finance is preffered
* Having a good product knowledge in cash management, trade service, trade finance and treasury transaction
* Able to work independently and in a team.

Bila Anda Berminat klik di Bawah ini

MMM------ CTS

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Bank Kesejahteraan

Bank Kesejahteraan Ekonomi sebagai salah satu Bank Umum Swasta Nasional yang sedang berkembang dengan Visi "Bank Umum yang disegani, menjadi andalan dan sekaligus kebanggaan dari pegawai negeri, koperasi pegawai negeri dan masyarakat" dan Misi "Menjalankan usaha sebagai bank umum yang sehat yang mengutamakan bidang ritel, berperan aktif dalam usaha meningkatkan kesejahteraan pegawai negeri sipil beserta keluarganya melalui kemitraan usaha dengan koperasi, terutama Koperasi Pegawai Republik Indonesia serta dengan badan-badan usaha lainnya."

Mengundang para proffesional untuk bergabung bersama kami sebagai :

Customer Service
(Jakarta & Surabaya)


* Wanita, Single
* Penampilan menarik
* Usia maksimal 25 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal D3 dengan IPK 2.75
* Teliti, cekatan dan terampil
* Penempatan Jakarta & Surabaya

Kami tidak menerima lamaran secara online, bagi pelamar yang serius dapat mengirimkan lamaran + cv + foto ukuran 4x6 terbaru ke alamat :

PT. Bank Kesejahteraan Ekonomi

Lamaran paling lambat kami terima dua minggu setelah iklan ini tayang, untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai Bank Kesejahteraan Ekonomi dapat mengunjungi website kami di
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Triputra Group

Triputra Group was founded in October 1998 by T.P. Rachmat. Focusing on some major industries such as manufaturing, logistics, services, retail chain, natural resources, and palm oil plantation, Triputra Group has managed to position itself at the 10th rank in Globe Asia's 2008 Top 100 Indonesia's Largest Groups.

Due to the uprising business growth in the future at Triputra, we are looking for potential and driven people to join us as :

Safety Staff Corporate
Kualifikasi :

* Laki-laki, usia 26 – 32 tahun
* S1 jurusan K3 / Teknik, IPK min. 3.00
* Memiliki keahlian di K3 umum / SMK3
* Berpengalaman implementasi ISO 14001 & 9001
* Pengalaman sebagai Auditor Internal
* Bersedia ditempatkan di Tangerang

Marketing Project
Kualifikasi :

* Laki-laki/ Perempuan, usia 25 – 35 tshun
* D3 Politeknik Kesehatan Medis dengan IPK min. 2,75
* Berpengalaman dalam sales tender
* Mampu membuat presentasi
* Lokasi penempatan di Tomang Jakarta Barat
* Bersedia dengan status kontrak dengan sistem insentif.

Vendor Management
Persyaratan :

* Laki-laki, Usia 24 - 35 Tahun IPK min 3.00
* Pendidikan D3/S1 dari Teknik Industri / Mesin / Manajemen Industri.
* Mengerti ISO 9001/ ISOTS 16949.
* Pengalaman Auditor Internal dan Vendor.
* Mengerti Industri Metal Stamping dan Welding.
* Bersedia perjalanan dinas ke vendor.
* Memiliki pemahaman tentang Vendor Development
* Lokasi penempatan Tangerang.

Marketing OEM
Kualifikasi :

* Laki-laki, usia 25 – 30 tahun
* D3 / S1. Teknik / ATMI IPK min. 2,75
* Memiliki Kemampuan negosiasi, komunikatif dan persuasif
* Diutamakan yang memiliki pengalaman sebagai sales engineer
* Memiliki pengetahuan material dan engineering
* Bersedia ditempatkan di Tangerang atau Cikarang.

Kirim lamaran lengkap dan CV Anda ke :


JL. Raya Serang Km 24, Balaraja – Tangerang 15610

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XL Axiata

XL Axiata, is an Indonesia-based mobile telecommunications services operator. The operator's coverage includes Java, Bali and Lombok as well as the principal cities in and around Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi. XL offers data communication, broadband Internet, mobile communication and 3G services over GSM 900, GSM 1800 networks.

Area Manager
(Code : AM – West)

Sebagai bagian dari tim penjualan XL yang dinamis, Area Manager mengatur jaringan penjualan, aktifitas marketing dan pengembangan bisnis di wilayah tugasnya. Area Manager bertanggung jawab membangun / membina hubungan kemitraan dengan Dealers, Canvassers dan Retailers, untuk memastikan tercapainya target sales dan market share melalui pelaksanaan strategi area manajemen serta pengaturan supply indikator.
Area Manager (Code : AM – West)
Jika Anda :

* Lulusan min. S1 dari universitas terkemuka
* Berpengalaman min. 4 tahun di bidang penjualan / distribusi , dan min. 2 tahun mengelola tim penjualan di industri Telekomunikasi, FMCG atau Perbankan
* Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik, berjiwa pemimpin dan team player
* Memiliki kemampuan analisa dan problem solving yang baik
* Memiliki pengetahuan dasar tentang Telco Distribution Models, Network Concepts, Down-liner Optimization dan Inventory & Cash Flow Analysis
* Bersedia ditempatkan di wilayah Sumatera Utara, Jambi dan Palembang

Paket kompensasi yang menarik akan diberikan kepada kandidat terpilih.Kirimkan resume lengkap anda dengan mencantumkan kode posisi, paling lambat 03 April 2010 ke :

Human Capital Development

Only short-listed candidates will be notified
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Adira Kredit

We are the market leader in consumer finance industry
seeking qualified people to fulfill the positions of:

Senior Credit Manager
(Jakarta Raya)


* Melakukan proses analisa kredit dan memberikan kuputusan atas aplikasi dengan limit pembiayaan yang lebih tinggi
* Melakukan analisa, review dan keputusan atas pengajuan deviasi credit policy dari cabang
* Melakukan monitoring performance kualitas new booking customer
* Memberikan solusi dan strategi untuk meningkatkan performance kualitas kredit
* Memonitor dan me-review risk even cabang yang terdapat pada sistem


* Pendidikan min S1 Ekonomi
* Mengerti dan memahami kredit manajemen
* Pengalaman di bidang Credit atau Risk Management min 2 thn
* Mengerti 5 C, prinsip-prinsip analisa kredit
* Teliti, mempunyai leadership tinggi, strong analytical thinking, pro active, good communication, dan self confidence

Send your application along with comprehensive resume and a recent photograph to:
(in *.zip file)
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BNI Securities

BNI Securities will always provide professional services for the benefit of its customers, which is in accordance with the company's vision to become a company with the largest retail investment services in Indonesia.

Equity Sales (commission schemes)

* Pria atau Perempuan
* Min D III
* CV and application
* Certificate WPPE
* Already have a Client - Base (Customer Relations)
* Experience minimum 2 years working in capital markets
* Ability to meet company targets
* What is offered: Monthly Salary + commission (negotiable)

Please send your CV and complete your application to:

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Pertamina mencari individu-individu berbakat dan berpotensi yang mampu mencerminkan tata nilai perusahaan untuk menjadi bagian dari tim yang mengakselerasi pencapaian visi Pertamina: menjadi perusahaan migas nasional kelas dunia.

(Jakarta Raya, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Kalimantan Timur, Sulawesi Selatan, Sumatera Selatan, Sumatera Utara)

Tanggung Jawab:

* Mengikuti program pendidikan yang komprehensif di dalam program Bimbingan Praktis Ahli (BPA), dimana akan terdapat kombinasi pendidikan dalam kelas dan OJT (Program Magang). Program BPA dibentuk untuk menyediakan para kandidatyang potensial untuk menjadi pimpinan di masa depan dengan mempersiapkan ilmu pengetahuan dan pelatihan langsung terkait dengan proses bisnis utama perusahaan.
* Mempelajari dinamika kegiatan proses bisnis perusahaan secara menyeluruh, melakukan observasi dan analisa terhadap kondisi lapangan.
* Melakukan improvement terhadap proses dan pengembangan tools yang dapat mempercepat dan mengefektifkan proses bisnis, khususnya bidang Teknologi Informasi


* Pendidikan Diploma 3 (D3) Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Ilmu Komputer
* IPK min. 3.00 (skala 4)
* Usia maks. 25 tahun
* Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris secara aktif baik lisan maupun tulisan
* Aktif dalam kegiatan organisasi
* Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh unit usaha Pertamina
* Scan Nilai Transkrip adalah dokumen yang wajib diberikan pada saat anda melamar ke posisi ini. Bagi CV yang tidak terdapat scan nilai transkrip, tidak dapat mengikuti proses selanjutnya.

Salah satu persyaratan yang wajib diikuti setelah anda melakukan Registrasi CV anda adalah mengisi Test Bahasa Inggris secara Online, mohon agar Anda dapat mempersiapkan diri anda sebaik mungkin (Test online akan muncul sesaat setelah anda selesai membuat resume)

bila anda berminta klik link dibawah ini :

Apply Online
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PT TeamworX Indonesia

Fast growing company in Design, Contract Administration, Construction
Management as well as production of prefab buildings (through associate JO
Team Module), PT TeamworX Indonesia has the following immediate vacancies:

*1. Resident Engineer*
- Min Bachelor Degree (S1) from Civil Engineering
- Has 3-4 years work experiences as Project Engineer (esp. exp in finishing
hotel projects)
- Fluent English
- Computer Literate
- Strong Leadership

*2. Mechanical Engineer
- Min Bachelor Degree (S1) from Mechanical Engineering
- has 3-4 years work experiences as Project Engineer (esp. exp in industrial
- Fluent English
- Computer literate
- Strong leadership

*3. Electrical Engineer
*- Min Bachelor Degree (S1) from Electrical Engineering
- has 4 – 5 years work experiences in desain / site project (esp exp. in
Industrial building)
- Fluent English
- Computer literate

*4. Architectural drafter* *
- *Min Diploma (D3) from Architectural
- Has 3 – 4 years work experiences as drafter
- Fluent English
- Computer literate (especially 3D Max)

*5. Contract Administration
*- Min Bachelor Degree (S1) from Civil Engineering*
*- Has 2-3 years in the same position
- Familiar with FIDIC
- Fluent English
- Computer literate
- Hard worker

If you are qualified, please send your CV (in Microsoft word 2003), other
supporting document and salary expectation
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Dexa Medica group

Dexa Medica group is one of the biggest pharmaceuticals companies group in Indonesia, and we are growing very fast to be the best. In Dexa Medica, we put the right people in the right place based on his/her passion and competency. Dexa applies a competency based human resources management approach.

We believe that PEOPLE make the DIFFERENCE. At Dexa Medica, people GROW with the BUSINESS. In 2006 and 2007, PT. Dexa Medica has been nominated as one of the Best Employers to work for by SWA sembada Magazine and Hay Group.

to know more about Dexa Medica, please visit our website :

Finance Officer - OTC
General Requirements:

* Accounting degree with minimum GPA 3.00
* Good at monitoring and controlling OPEX & CAPEX
* Ensure Tax Compliance for the entire transaction/ agreement
* Cost Accountant with 2 years experience in Consumer Goods Industry would be beneficial
* Can coordinate &make annual budget
* Willing to be placed in Bintaro

And you are:

* Energetic & creative
* Open minded, willing to learn new things and getting along with new people easily

And you will:

* Have good communication skills
* Good planning & organizing skills
* Always want to strive for excellence, act professionally and deal with care

Human Resources Officer - HRO
If you:

* Are an energetic and dynamic person
* Getting along with new people easily, have good communication skill and a team player
* Are self starters, quick learner and have good initiatives
* Always want to strive for excellence, act professionally and deal with care

And you are:

* Not older than 27 years
* Hold a bachelor degree from a reputable university majoring in Psychology (Profession program will be beneficial)
* GPA min. 3.0
* Fresh Graduate are welcome
* Experience in recruitment and selection process would be a plus point
* Computer literate (MS Office)
* Good work standard and in planning organizing
* Willing to be place in BINTARO

You are welcome to join us as part of our growing team as an HR OFFICER an FINANCE OFFICER, and convince us why you think you are the right person!!

Then please send us your current resume before April 2, 2010 to :

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Sanyen Oil & Gas Pte. Ltd. (SOGPL)

Sanyen Oil & Gas Pte. Ltd. (SOGPL), Genting Oil Natuna Pte. Ltd. (GONPL) and Genting Oil Kasuri Pte. Ltd. (GOKPL) are members of a diversified Group which is listed on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange, Malaysia. The Group through SOGPL, GOHPL and GOICPL is involved in several Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs) with BPMIGAS in Indonesia. In view of our significant and growing business operations in Indonesia, we seek to hires suitably qualified candidate to fill the following position:

Procurement/ Logistics Manager

* Lead logistics team to manage operational deliveries in a timely sensitive user departments focused manner;
* Analyzing data to monitor logistics performance and plan improvements;
* Liaising and negotiating with Logistics service provider to get the most cage efficiency;
* Developing Logistics performance by gaining new contracts, analyzing logistical problems and producing new solutions.


* Bachelor degree from reputable university;
* Minimum 10 years related working experience in logistics within oil & gas industry;
* PTK-007 BPMIGAS certificated is a preferably;
* Familiar with procurement and logistics regulation, good Interpersonal and communication skill, good leadership.

Logistics Supervisor

* Coordinate Logistics matter at site;
* To coordinate with Jakarta Office and Nagote field regarding crew change;
* Arrange helicopter operations for Sorong - Nagote - Sorong and commercial flight to/from Sorong;
* Manage crew accommodation in Sorong;
* Supervise the port agent and vessel operations (fuel + cargo transport) at Sorong seaport.


* Bachelor degree from reputable university;
* Minimum S years related working experience in field operations within oil & gas industry;
* Has experience in bosh helicopter and vessel operations, and also familiar with the area of operations;
* Has good administration skills;
* Willing to work on rotation and traveling to West Papua.

Procurement Officer

* Prepare, organize and monitor the Tender process;
* Prepare procedures document and draft agreement, advertise in newspaper;
* Organize pre-qualification of bidders, administer pre-bid clarification meeting and bid opening, evaluating bidden administrative proposal;
* Ensure that all contracts file are updated with all original contract documents, amendments end current correspondence; Check Service Requisition Sheet (IRS) for completeness, authorization and accuracy and assign SRS number and Process Service Order;.
* Prepare, organize and monitor the Purchasing process;
* Responsible for communications with Vendor;
* Establish the Tracking system into database for material and services;
* Receive and process material requisitions and ensure that they are complete and accurate;
* Prepare and send request for quotations to the appropriate vendors, prepare Purchase Order


* Bachelor degree from reputable university;
* Minimum 5 years related working experience in logistics within oil & gas Industry;
* PTK-007 BPMIGAS certificated is a preferably; Familiar with procurement regulation.

Senior Contract Officer

* Responsible in procurement contract initiation, such as drafting contracts, consult with User Departments and Legal Department up to bid document issuing;
* Facilitating in the pre-bid meetings, legal exceptions clearance and contract signing by Authorized Officers;
* Responsible in contract progress monitoring, such as collect progress report from vendors, assist User Departments in issuing work order;
* Responsible in issuing contract change orders and contract amendments requested from User Departments, analyze and facilitate its approvals by authorized officers, and monitor the validity of contract Performance Bond;
* Responsible in contract closing, such as managing early termination of contract, contract performance evaluation preparation and archiving.


* Bachelor degree, preferably in law discipline;
* Minimum 7 years related working experience and has PTK-007 BPMIGAS certificate;
* Good working knowledge in procurement.

Training and Development Coordinator

* Responsible in recruitment and selection, ouch as preparing advertisement, short listed candidates, interview process; Liaise with head hunter and third party company for manpower services;
* Compile and review the training plan based on the proposed training plan as stated on the appraisal;
* Administer all training request and its provision, ouch an budgeting and Implementation, Including registration of the participant, payment of the training fee.
* Responsible for the administration of performance management for staff appraisal, development and objective setting


* Bachelor degree from reputable university;
* Has ability to handle recruitment and selection process; Minimum S years Sated working experience within oil & gas industry;

All positions required strong proficiency in both written and spoken English, matured and pleasant personality with good Interpersonal and communication skills.

A competitive remuneration package that commensurate with qualification and experience shell be offered to the successful candidate.

Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications, together with full resume/curriculum vitae, details of current and expected remuneration and a latest photograph to the following address not later than 27th March 2010, please indicate the Position you apply on the Subject of your email or Application letter.

Bapindo Plaza, Citibank Tower 16th Floor
JL. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 54-55, Jakarta 12190
Only short listed candidates will be notified.

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Bank Mega Syariah

Bank Mega Syariah merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang berada dalam kelompok usaha Para Group, yang juga menaungi PT Bank Mega Tbk, Trans TV, Trans 7, Para Finance, Mega Life, Asuransi Umum Mega, Mega Capital, Coffee Bean, Ice Cream Baskin & Robins, Bandung Super Mall, Trans Studio dan beberapa perusahaan terkemuka lainnya.

Bank Mega Syariah terus berekspansi mengembangkan segmen usaha pembiayaan mikro dengan brand MEGA MITRA SYARIAH (M2S), beroperasi pertama kali pada 8 Juli 2008 dan hingga saat ini M2S sudah memiliki 210 kantor cabang dengan total pembiayaan yang disalurkan hampir mencapai Rp.2 triliun dan memiliki lebih dari 35.000 nasabah, dan jumlah unitnya akan terus bertambah secara konsisten.

Untuk menunjang ekspansi usahanya Bank Mega Syariah memberikan kesempatan kepada anda yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang dipersyaratkan untuk mengisi posisi :

Persyaratan :

* Wanita
* Umur maks 28 th
* Pendidikan Min. S1/D3
* Pengalaman kerja 1-2 tahun sebagai customer service / Funding Officer ( Marketing )
* Menguasai Bahasa Inggris, Computer Literate
* Menguasai produk pendanaan & pembiayaan
* Tinggi minimal 160
* Berpenampilan menarik
* Memiliki motivasi serta integrity yang tinggi
* Memiliki jaringan yang luas & business oriented
* Target Oriented

Persyaratan :

* Pria / Wanita
* Umur min. 22 th Maks 40 th
* Pendidikan min. S1/D3
* Pengalaman kerja 2 - 3 tahun sebagai FA
* Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris, Computer Literate
* Menguasai produk pendanaan & pembiayaan
* Memiliki motivasi serta integrity yang tinggi
* Memiliki jaringan yang luas & business oriented
* Target Oriented

Persyaratan :

* Pria / Wanita
* Umur maks 40 th
* Pendidikan min. S1
* Pengalaman kerja Min. 4 Tahun di Marketing, 2 tahun diantaranya tingkat manajerial, khususnya di lembaga keuangan
* Mempunyai Management Skills, Bahasa Inggris, Computer Literate
* Menguasai produk pendanaan & pembiayaan
* Memiliki jiwa leadership
* Memiliki motivasi serta integrity yang tinggi
* Memiliki jaringan yang luas & business oriented
* Target Oriented

Lokasi penempatan : Jabodetabek, Bandung, Sumatera, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Kalimantan, Sulawesi

Kirimkan CV anda by e-mail ke (max 900kb) dengan mencantumkan kode posisi dan wilayah kerja sebagai subject ( contoh : PB-Bandung) atau kirimkan VIA POS dengan alamat sebagai berikut :

HRD Bank Mega Syariah
Menara Bank Mega lt.21
Jln. Kapt. Tendean Kav 12 - 14 A
Jakarta Selatan

Lamaran juga dapat dikirim ke bagian HRD Bank Mega Syariah via email :
| Deadline 31 Maret 2010

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Bank Swadesi

Bank of India (BOI) didirikan pada tahun 1906 dan telah berumur dari 103 tahun. BOI dimiliki oleh Pemerintah India, mempunyai lebih dari 3000 cabang di India & 28 kantor di negara lain. BOI mempunyai bisnis lebih dari IDR 700 Triliun, modal lebih dari IDR 24 Triliun dan laba bersih lebih dari IDR 6 Triliun.

Saat ini, terkait dengan pengembangan industri perbankan kami Bank Swadesi membutuhkan profesional muda yang dinamis untuk menempati posisi sebagai berikut:

Account Officer (AO)
(Jakarta Raya)


* Pria/Wanita, usia maksimal 40 tahun
* Pendidikan S1 minimal IPK 2.75
* Lancar bahasa Inggris secara lisan & tulisan
* Berpengalaman dibidangnya minimal 2 tahun
* Memiliki Customer Base yang luas
* Mempunyai kemampuan analisa target pasar, persuasif & kemampuan mempengaruhi yang tinggi
* Bekerja keras, energik, antusias dan siap bekerja di bawah tekanan
* Ditempatkan di wilayah Jakarta dan sekitarnya

Closing date: 17 April 2010

Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang kami proses. Kirimkan lamaran lengkap dan pas photo (4x6) terbaru ke:

Jl. H Samanhudi No. 37
Pasar Baru - Jakarta Pusat 10710
email :

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multi-national company

Weatherford, a multi-national company who are involved in the drilling and production sectors of oil, gas and geothermal projects worldwide, are seeking an enthusiastic, hard-working and motivated individual to fill the position of:

1. IT Support – Jakarta
2. IT Support – Balikpapan

Assist with the day to day provision of Information Technology support / help to dedicated locations / divisions within the Company, ensuring the reliability of current hardware and communications links / systems.

· Proficient in standard applications software (Ms Office, Outlook, Anti-Virus software, IE, etc)
· Good interpersonal and communication skills.
· Good skills in computer networking.Wide knowledge of all IT related subjects.
· Must be able to identify and use the right information and/or systems and/or technology, and be able to identify and implement improvements as appropriate.
· Strong working knowledge and experience in installation and troubleshooting common computer hardware and software problems.
· Strong written and verbal English communication skills.
· Excellent written and verbal Bahasa Indonesia communication skills
· 2 years previous IT Network / Communications experience supporting large numbers of users.
· Ability to communicate with people at all levels
· Ability to work to tight deadlines
· Ability to work unsupervised
· Flexible and adaptable to a changing environment

Interested candidates are invited to send their application including, letter of application, resume, photocopies of qualification and other certificates (attachment max. 200KB) to: (Please write down the POSITION TITLE you apply asthe subject of your email) – max. 2 weeks after this advertisement.
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BASF is the world’s leading chemical company, – The Chemical Company –
with sales of €62.304 billion in 2008. Its portfolio ranges from
chemicals, plastics, performance products, agriculture products and fine
chemicals to crude oil and natural gas.

Founded in 1865, today BASF helps
customers in more than 170 countries to be more successful through
intelligent solutions and high-value products.

PT BASF Indonesia, a subsidiary of BASF SE, is seeking the
suitable candidate to join the best team in industry (Crop Protection
Business) for the position below:

1. Field Technical Manager
S1 Degree in Agriculture of Equivalent
At least 3 years experience in leading Agricultural Product Development
Having technical and professional knowledge related to Crop Protection
Result oriented, good leadership, interpersonal and communication skill
Good command of English
Willing to travel intensively
Familiar with MS Windows based software PC

2. Technical Sales Representative
to be located in East Java
S1 degree in Agriculture, with major in Agronomy
Fresh graduate are welcome, previous experience in sales for Crop
Protection business is an advantage
Able to work in farm level/ground
Active, communicativve with strong personality
Willing to travel intensively
Able to communicate in English, oral and written
Computer literacy

3. Development Supervisor
University graduated in Agriculture or Equivalent
Minimum 3 years relevant experience
Knowledge in Replicated Field Trial
Knowledge in Identification of Pests which Affect Crops
Knowledge of Agricultural Practice
Must be able to communicate in English, oral and written
Able to supervise and work under pressure
Computer literacy

An attractive compensation package will be offered commensurate with the
qualifications and experience of the successful candidate.
Please send your coded complete application along with CV and recent
photograph not later than 10 days after this advertisement to
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Swasta Sinarmas Sekuritas

PT. Sinarmas Sekuritas adalah salah satu bagian dari Sinarmas Group yaitu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pasar modal. Saat ini membutuhkan karyawan profesional untuk mengisi posisi :

Management Trainee (khusus Marketing & Broker Dealer)
(Seluruh Indonesia)


Kualifikasi :

* Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh Indonesia
* Pria, Wanita
* Berpenampilan menarik, pekerja keras dan disiplin
* Pendidikan min D3
* Memiliki pengalaman di Bank, Asuransi, Pasar Modal atau Lembaga Keuangan, baru lulus dipersilahkan
* Memiliki data base
* Mampu bekerja dengan target
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris atau Mandarin
* Gaji dan Komisi menarik
* Mampu mengoperasikan komputer, minimal Ms. Office

Benefit :
Fixed salary plus incentive program

Interested candidates are welcome to send the comprehensive
resume together with your current photograph indicating position code
(MO) on the subject line, to:

Lamaran Ditujukan :
HRD PT. Sinarmas Sekuritas
Plaza BII tower III lt.5
JL. MH Thamrin no 51, Jakarta 10350

Closing Date: 30-04-2010

" Only short-listed candidates will be
invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview "

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Thiess Contractors Indonesia

PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia is a multinational company with over 7,000 employees in Indonesia. Our people are our keys to success. As an employer of choice, we are committed to developing skills and providing opportunities for all employees. Our business provides integrated mining and construction services in civil, process facilities, oil & gas and mining across Indonesia.

Graduate Development Program 2010
With continued growth we are currently offering bright Indonesian University Graduates an opportunity to build a professional career within the largest mining and construction, under Graduate Development Plan (GDP) through various programs to be able to work at the Project Site as

* Graduate Surveyor
* Graduate Civil
* Graduate Electrical
* Graduate Mining Engineer
* Graduate Mechanical
* Graduate Accountant


* Bachelor Degree in related diciplines with minimum GPA 3.00 from reputable University (year of graduation 2008 - 2010)
* Willing to work on remote locations
* Excellent communication skills in English (oral and written)
* Highly motivated, strong analytical skill and problem solving, good team work and adaptable
* Excellent interpersonal skills and able to influence situation to achieve goals
* Able to work under pressure in an International and culturally diverse organization
* Closing date: March 31, 2010

Junior Surveyor

* Will be located in our project site at Melak Mine Project, East Kalimantan and this position reported to Senior Surveyor
* Requirements
* Requirements for this position preferably degree in Surveying with minimum 2 years experience in same role as Assistant Surveyor. You will coordinate crew field and office activities to provide appropriate survey services to construction, planning and design personnel to enable accurate design and construction of all site activities.Others requirement for this position, you should be able to communicate well and has good organization skill. Beside that you must able to draft reports, and plan work tasks.
* Closing date: April 4, 2010

Mining Engineer

* Based at Melak Mine Project, East Kalimantan. Reporting to Senior Mine Engineer, the successful candidate will organise and provide direction for engineers to make mine planning and technical support so as to maximize productivities in the most cost effective and efficient. They will also be required to demonstrate good management and communication skills.
* Requirements
* Applicants should have a degree in Mining or Geology Engineering and have at least 2 years experience in similar role or as pit engineering. A working knowledge of Minescape and Xpac computer software would be an advantage.
* Closing date: April 4, 2010

ICT Officer

* Reporting to the ICT Coordinator, you will provide outstanding service management to internal customers through the provision of up to date technical expertise by ensuring the windows operating environment and related hardware is performing in accordance with Thiess standards and meets clients' expectations. This role also includes safety performance, equipment maintenance both unscheduled and scheduled, monitoring and reporting of all activities, coordinating personnel and of parts.
* Requirements
* This position requires at minimum of Diploma III in Information Technology or related disciplines; a minimum of 3 years experience in similar role in the large mining or construction industry; diagnosing and repair hardware and software problems, installation and maintenance of computer and telephone cable systems, maintaining server and PABX system including printers, trouble shooting, repairs to computer/server equipment, broad based knowledge of wireless data equipment; IT and computer literacy; excellent communication, written - verbal in English, time management, problem solving, analysis, influencing, coaching/mentoring, initiative, flexibility; honest, hard working, and able to work under pressure.
* Closing date: April 4, 2010

System Support Engineer.

* Reporting to the Business System Superintendent you will provide systems support to end users on business systems (JDE, InfoMINE, CURA, Incite, and Business Intelligence). Support includes set up project, requirement gathering, business process mapping & design, problem instigation & analysis, functional specs, delivering training, monitor the integrity of the system & maintenance, coaching & on site support and provide continues support during implementation, liaise with system support from Thiess Australia.


* Requirements for this position preferably Tertiary qualification in Engineering with minimum of 2 years experience as System Support Engineer; capability in conducting training and managing training; understanding JDE Basic and RDBMS (Relational Database Management Systems); understanding of Supply Chain Management, Plant Maintenance, Mining Operation ad Document Management System; good presentation skills; focus to detail, proactive and excellent communication skills in English both verbal and writing; and computer literate.
* Closing date: April 4, 2010

Should you meet above requirements, please apply at following links


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Clie Design, adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang interior yang berpusat di kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur. Kami membuka lowongan sebagai tambahan di dalam tim kita sbb.



* Pria / Wanita usia max. 30 th.
* Lulusan S1 jurusan Interior maupun Arsitektur
* Menguasai AutoCAD 2D dan 3D
* Menguasai 3DMax rendered
* Kreatif dan mampu bekerja dengan efektif
* Mampu bekerja sama dalam suatu tim
* Diutamakan yang berpengalaman di bidang yang sama
* Bersedia dialokasikan ke kota Surabaya

Mohon kirimkan CV. beserta dokumen-dokumen pendukung dan contoh hasil kerja via email ke:

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A fast growing General Insurance Company with supported by strong capital base as a subsidiary of Lippo Group, is looking for qualified candidates with very strong analytical thinking, result oriented, innovative and good interpersonal

skills to fulfill challenging position as :


* Computer literate
* Fast learner
* Insurance working experience background will be advantage
* Min.D3 Nurse/ Perawat
* Male/ Female
* Excellent interpersonal and communication skill
* Location : Karawaci (Tangerang)

Please send your resume and photograph to :

Visit us :
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INDONESIAN TOWER is a fast growing company and owns a very bright future. We have strong fundamental business in supporting Indonesian Telecommunication Industry. Our core business focuses in investment &

operating the cellular telecommunication infrastructure. To achieve our goal we embrace the spirit for excellence through our professionalism, excellent service, qualified and competent personnel


Requirements :
* Able to create and read electrical drawings; Understand the operation & troubleshooting in electrical system and industrial system (for Electrical Engineer)
* Be in a team player, but able to work independently; able to work well in under pressure working environment.
* Diploma degree in Electrical from reputable university
* Min 1 – 2 years working experience in electrical maintenance area wide network with many building managements

Please submit your application, CV (please give detail description of skills & experiences) (Max 1Mb)

(Please put code on the subject of your e-mail)
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PT Bank BNP, Tbk. Bank Devisa berskala nasional, sehat, handal dan terpercaya dalam usaha perbankan, membutuhkan profesional muda yang menyukai tantangan untuk berkarir sebagai:

1. Business Manager
2. Marketing Officer
3. Funding Officer
4. Customer Service
5. Credit Analyst
6. Teller
7. Back Officer
8. Internal Control

- Pendidikan Min S1 semua jurusan, Max 35 tahun (1) dan Max 28 tahun (2-8)
- Pengalaman kerja dibidangnya Min 3 tahun (1) dan Min 2 tahun (2-8)
- Menguasai MS Office, Bisa Bhs Inggris dan atau Mandarin (diutamakan)
- Menyukai tantangan dalama bekerja, Pekerja Keras, Banyak relasi, Komunikatif dan Motivasi Tinggi

Berkas Lamaran lengkap dikirim melalui email Sebelum tanggal 30 Maret 2010 ke:
HRD (Up. Ibu Yuni)
Jl. Waspada 39-39A, Surabaya 60161
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INPEX CORPORATION is an oil & gas exploration and production company
based in Japan. The mission of INPEX is to provide a stable and
efficient supply of energy to our customer by exploring and developing
oil and natural gas resources throughout the world. In Indonesia, INPEX

is acting as Kontraktor Kontrak Kerjasama (KKKS) with BPMigas for many
upstream projects since 1966. INPEX is the operator of Masela Block
(Abadi project) offshore Maluku, Arafura Sea, Indonesia. INPEX is
pressing ahead with technical and engineering studies of the Abadi field
development for future commercial Floating LNG production.

Currently we have positions open in our Jakarta office as:

1. Head of Commissioning (Dept Code: O&M)

Key Job Responsibilities:

a. Commissioning Strategy and Plan

· Develop commissioning Philosophy for LNG FPSO to input FEED

· Develop initial start-up sequence for LNG FPSO to input
FEED work

b. Commissioning and Handover Operations Planning

· Drive development of a commissioning and handover plan for
the transition of facilities from a state of final construction to live
operations (with input from Pre-Production group), including:

o Establish completion, commissioning and handover procedures

o Detailed work plan aligned with Asset management expectations
on timing / cost / available resources and milestones

o Performance testing requirements

o Safe operation compliance review / certification

o Handover sign off procedures and documentation requirements

o Risks and mitigation planning

· Review operability of the design with minimum alterations

· Lead review and gather input on work plan with relevant
handover parties (i.e. Management, Engineering and Operations etc.)

· Gain final agreement on work plan

c. Commissioning and Handover Operations Execution

· Conduct trial runs in accordance with performance

· Lead execution of commissioning / start up and handover
plan with handover parties

· As project circumstances changes, update risk register and
develop mitigation plans

· Acting focal point for clear coordination and synergy of
all commissioning activities

· Ensure adequate manuals handover and maintenance
documentation(through Document Controller)

· Participate in business planning, budgeting, Systems
Integration, peer reviews, and other initiatives as required


· Expatriates or Indonesian nationality

· Bachelor degree in related discipline from reputable

· 12+ years operational practice in O&G production activities

· Experience in FPSO commissioning (with expertise in gas
handling and/or gas processing)

· Superior leadership, communication, interpersonal and
multi-tasking skills to work with stakeholders from multi-disciplines

* Knowledge of and exposure to industry best practices to define and
execute plan for successful commissioning and handover

2. System Engineer (Dept Code: FCL)

Key Job Responsibilities:

* Responsible for Instrument / Control System Engineering of the FLNG
* Verify the final design and specifications consider floating
lifecycle concepts in line with project documentation and compatible
with INPEX and industry standards (quality, safety, etc) as well as
regulatory requirements


* Indonesian nationality

· Bachelor degree in Engineering, preferably in Electrical

· 5+ years of relevant experience in oil and gas projects,
preferably in LNG Plant project

* Have good interpersonal and communication skill

3. Electrical Engineer (Dept Code: FCL)

Key Job Responsibilities:

* Responsible for Electrical Engineering of the FLNG facilities
* Verify the final design and specifications consider floating
lifecycle concepts in line with project documentation and compatible
with INPEX and industry standards (quality, safety, etc) as well as
regulatory requirements


* Indonesian nationality

· Bachelor degree in Engineering, preferably in Electrical

· 5+ years of relevant experience in oil and gas projects,
preferably in LNG Plant project and/or Power Plant project

* Have good interpersonal and communication skill

4. Petrophysicist (Dept Code: SSD)

Key Job Responsibilities:

· Plan, supervise (when required), coordinate and control the
collection, analysis and evaluation of petrophysical data(reservoir
thickness, porosity & hydrocarbon saturation) from all wells required to
calculate hydrocarbon in place, with Head of Geology’s

· Same for well and reservoir studies as input to static &
dynamic models and field development plans

* Provide petrophysical support and conduct reservoir management


· Indonesian nationality

· Bachelor degree in Geology, Geosciences, Reservoir /
Petroleum engineering

· 10+ years of relevant experience in oil and gas projects
which at least 6 years experience doing Petrophysical studies/operation

* Have good interpersonal and communication skill

5. Sr.Geologist (Dept Code: EXP)

Key Job Responsibilities:

* Perform G&G evaluations with Mentor’s / Supervisor’s
guidance and instructions
* Perform exploration operational matters (e.g. field survey or well
site works)
* Assist Head of Geology to perform various projects
* Act as mentor to Geologist / Geophysicist


* Indonesian nationality

· Bachelor degree in Geology engineering

· 8+ years of relevant experience in oil and gas projects

* Have good interpersonal and communication skill

6. Reservoir Engineer (Dept Code: SSD)

Key Job Responsibilities:

* Perform reservoir modeling work and reservoir simulation work
* Perform / review the input data for reservoir simulation model,
such as geological model generated by geologists, well test
interpretation and well production performance estimation generated by
petroleum engineers
* Review PVT and SCAL data with assistance of petroleum engineer
* Generate the PVT, SCAL input data for reservoir simulation model
* Assist in generating field development plan utilizing reservoir
simulation model and simulation results in consultation with head of
long term field development
* Generate the reservoir surveillance program by reviewing the
uncertainties of the reservoir


* Indonesian nationality

· Bachelor degree in related engineering discipline

· 5+ years of relevant experience in oil and gas company

· Familiar with at least 1 Reservoir Simulation Software such
as ECLIPSE, etc

* Have good interpersonal and communication skill

7. Head of Subsurface Data Management (Dept Code: SSD)

Key Job Responsibilities:

* Create and maintain robust and accurate database for subsurface
data, for both digital / hardcopy format
* Implement general Project Management System related activities
within Subsurface Development Dept
* Responsible for general Information Technology related activities
within Subsurface Development Dept
* Based on instructions from General Manager of Subsurface
Development, be responsible for data security within Subsurface
Development Dept
* Responsible for administrative matter of software / hardware in
consultation with head of each discipline of subsurface development


* Indonesian nationality
* Bachelor degree in related engineering discipline
* 12+ years of relevant experience in the industry with deep
understanding of at least one discipline coupled with clear
understanding of the data sets used in at least two of Subsurface
Disciplines consisting of Geophysics, Geology, Reservoir and Petroleum
* Familiar with Subsurface database software, as well as software for
at least one Subsurface Discipline described above
* Have good leadership; interpersonal and communication skill

8. QA/QC Engineer (Dept Code: PRJ)

Key Job Responsibilities:

* Maintain Masela Quality Management Program in accordance with Tokyo
HQ corporate standards and international best practices
* Ensure that all quality control requirements are in compliance with
INPEX and industry standards
* Perform audits, inspections and required post activity follow ups;
attend third-party audits and inspections
* Analyze inspection and test results, non-conformances and
concessions to identify adverse trends
* Highlight critical issues to Masela Management; organize formal
review to identify remedial actions


* Indonesian nationality
* Bachelor degree in related engineering discipline, preferably
* 5+ years of relevant experience in QA/QC roles in Oil & Gas
companies; extensive ISO 9000 experience
* Have good interpersonal and communication skill

9. Performance Reporting Manager (Dept Code: STP)

Key Job Responsibilities:

a. Performance Monitoring & Reviews

* Work with stakeholders (internal and external) to determine
expectations for performance reporting; define templates from the
end-user perspective
* Design performance reporting process including the Asset Score
Card; gain buy in from all groups to provide input for the performance
* Continually refine the performance reports and process to minimize
bureaucracy and add maximum value

b. Performance Appraisal

* Working closely with HRD and Organization Development, and from
Asset Score Card, define the process to measure individual, team, and
group performance and translate these into incentives; and develop
supporting materials and staff training
* Facilitate the annual performance appraisal process (to be executed
by Line Managers for their staff), working with HRD to ensure that
inputs are provided in a timely manner to facilitate bonus payouts

c. Performance Analysis

* Work with Project Planning to continually improve the planning
process by reviewing results understanding root causes for missed
targets (typically a situation of inappropriate targets and / or poor
* Work with Project Planning to design feedback loops to monitor,
analyze, and improve on performance


* Indonesian nationality
* University degree; or Master degree / MBA or equivalent management
certification is highly desirable
* 15+ years experience in performance reporting in upstream oil & gas
* Have good leadership; interpersonal and communication skill

10. IT Communication Manager (Dept Code: PRJ)

Key Job Responsibilities:

· Lead Development of the IT and Communications strategy and
corresponding implementation plan for INPEX i.e. Network and System,
Applications, Data Services, Information Security, Maintenance and

· Establish corporate partnership with providers, clients,
and outsourced service companies

· Work closely with Masela’s Logistic Base and FLNG teams
to plan for future IT and communication needs

· Monitor INPEX overall activity plan and propose
introduction of new IT equipment or system which will enhance

· Any other activities as requested to support Masela’s


· Indonesian nationality

· Proven experience and track record in setting up and
managing IT and Communications department in large company

· Strong vision and foresight to identify IT needs of the
organization and plan ahead

· Broad knowledge of best practices and service delivery in
IT support

· 40 years of age and above

· Bachelor degree in Information Technology or related
discipline from reputable university

· 15+ years in IT field with experience in planning and
setting up systems for organizations with several worksites

* Have good interpersonal and communication skill and good leadership

11. Sr Project Planning Coordinator (Code: STP)

Key Job Responsibilities:

· Asset Business Planning – Coordinate development of asset
business plan (3-5yrs) and long-term outlook (10yrs) utilizing inputs
from the Line

· Annual Asset Planning (WP&B):

- Coordinate development of annual asset plan (WP&B) utilizing
inputs from the Line

- Coordinate WP&B approval process with Stakeholders

· Asset Performance Scorecards – Design and manage process to
create Masela Asset Performance Scorecards

· Extend necessary support to other groups in Strategic
Planning (Business Support, Performance Monitoring, System Integration)
from time to time


* Indonesian nationality
* Bachelor degree in related field from reputable university

· 10+ years experience in the project planning or business
analysis in upstream oil & gas company

· Good communication skill with external / internal entity /

· English literacy (including writing and typing)

· Familiar with Microsoft Project Office and Project Planning
Tool (MS Project Primavera, etc)

12. Petroleum Engineer (Dept Code: SSD)

Key Job Responsibilities:

· Act as night supervisor of well test operation which cover
supervise well test operation, quality check, and sampling, perform well
test analysis and etc

· Perform well test design with consultation with Sr.
Petroleum Engineer

· Assist Sr. Petroleum Engineer to ensure preparation of well
test operation, such as tools inspection

· Assist completion design in consultation with Sr.
Completion engineer (Drilling)

· Assist reservoir engineer’s discipline to consultation
with head of petroleum engineer’s guidance and instruction, such as
preparation to reservoir surveillance plan, preparation for reservoir
simulation model, if any

· Perform petroleum engineering administrative matters which
include bidding and etc, with head of petroleum engineer’s guidance
and instruction

· Construct well opening sequence and clean-up procedure for
development wells in consultation with head of petroleum Engineer and
Sr. Completion engineer (Drilling)


* Indonesian nationality
* Bachelor University degree in Petroleum Engineering
* 5+ years in similar jobs
* Superior talent of personal communication with external entity
* English literacy
* Have good interpersonal and communication skill
* English literacy

13. Sr. Business Analyst (Dept Code: STP)

Key Job Responsibilities:

· Develop and revise Project Process, Procedure and
Guidelines to support the Project Execution in consultation with other
discipline GMs and MGRs

· Develop, Support, Coordinate and administer the following
meetings with management support

· Monitor and Assist (GA/HR) the Organization development
(including Manning Plan, Localization Plan) under approved RPTK

· Develop revision of organization (RPTK Revision/Renewal)

· Other issues related to organization development /
management (ex. Team building WS, and etc)

· Extend necessary support to other groups ion Strategic
Planning Dept. (Project Planning, Performance Reporting, System
Integration, Risk Management) from time to time


* Indonesian nationality
* Bachelor University degree in related field from reputable
* 8+ years in the business analysis or project planning in upstream
Oil & Gas Company
* Good communication skill with external/internal entity/person
* English literacy

14. Business Support (Dept Code: STP)

Key Job Responsibilities:

· Coordination & Support technical or non-technical issue
across whole Organization

· Assist to organize and manage internal routine meetings
(incl. Management Meeting)

· Development and revision of RPTKA

· Support to Project Planning Division (Long term business
plan, POD, WPB and etc)

· Communication with BP Migas is required from time to time


* Indonesian nationality
* Bachelor degree in Engineering or related field from reputable
* 5+ years in PSC or Engineering Contractor (+7yrs), or equivalent
* Have basic knowledge as to the terminology in upstream oil & gas
* Have basic knowledge about FEED and EPC phases of the Project
* Experienced the interface with BP Migas
* English literacy

15. National & Expatriates Administration Officer (Dept Code: AHR)

Key Job Responsibilities:

* Handles the expatriates’ formalities process and other related
* Keeps updating all regulations related to expatriate
* Maintain good communication with Government Institutions such as
BPMigas, Depnaker and Immigration
* Develop good relationship and communication with other PSCs officer
as well as agency
* Handling expatriates’ administration matter such as newspaper,
house maid, etc.
* Handles all the contract of expatriates’ apartment
* Prepares monthly reports and maintain good records of the above
* Keeps updating all the data related to expatriates
* Performs other assignment that maybe given by the Company


* Indonesian nationality
* Bachelor degree in Legal from reputable University
* Have 2 to 3 years experience in Industrial Relations, and
formalities preferably in Oil & Gas industry
* English literacy
* Have good interpersonal and communication skill

Interested applicants who fully meet the above requirement may send your
comprehensive CV in English with one recent photo (max. 150KB) to:

O&M :






Please quote positions applied in the email subject, not later than 26th
March 2010.

All application will be kept strictly confidential.
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Membuat Wallpaper Dian Sastro pake Efek Futuristik

Sebelumnya saya minta maaf kepada Mba Dian Sastro karena fotonya saya pinjem buat diedit.. hehehe.. gpp kan mba Dian ? kali aja Mba Dian Sastro lagi mampir disini.. hehehe.. Pede amat ya web ini dikunjungin Dian Sastrowardoyo..

Saya akan buat wallpaper Dian Sastro dengan efek futuristik.. hasilnya liat aja nanti deh ya.. di akhir acara.

Pertama buka dokumen baru, karena untuk wallpaper maka minimum ukurannya adalah 800×600 px dengan resolusi 300 pake 1024×768 px. Saya pake yang minim aja karena komputer saya lambat :D..

dian sastro 1

Warnai Background dengan warna Hitam.

Buka gambar Dian Sastro lalu seleksi.. karena warna background nya putih.. pake Magic Wand Tool ajah.. selebihnya pake polygonal lasso tool.

dian sastro 2

Drag foto yang udah diseleksi ke dokumen baru tadi.

dian sastro 2-1

Gunakan eraser tool untuk merapihkan bagian pinggir gambar yang mungkin kurang rapi. Klik eraser tool, klik kanan di layar pilih soft round.

dian sastro 3

dian sastro 4

Buat garis Path seperti gambar di bawah dengan Pen Tool

dian sastro 5

Klik Brush Tool ( atau tekan tombol B), klik kanan di layar, pilih brush size 3. ini untuk membuat garis sesuai Path tadi.

dian sastro 6

Buat Layer baru ( Layer > New > layer ), Klik Direct Selection Tool, klik kanan di garis path > Stroke path

dian sastro 7

Delete path . Posisi tool masih di Direct Selection tool, Klik kanan padi garis path > Delete Path.

Tekan CTRL + J untuk mengcopy layer garis path tadi sebanyak 4 kali..

Klik Move Tool, geser satu persatu layer hasil duplikat tadi ke kiri atau kanan, dengan menggunakan Panah (kiri/kanan) di Keyboard.

dian sastrowardoyo 8

Klik Layer paling atas, tekan CTRL + E untuk menggabungkan layer atas ke bawahnya, sebanyak 4 kali.

dian sastrowardoyo 9

Tekan CTRL + J lagi untuk menduplikat layer gabungan tadi (layer 2), Klik Edit > transform > flip horizontal.. untuk membalikan gambar di layer copy tadi. ke bawah atau atas.

dian sastrowardoyo 10

Klik layer paling atas.. Gabungkan lagi dengan menekan CTRL + E.

dian sastrowardoyo 11

Sekarang hapus bagian yang kurang penting di layer 2 dengan menggunakan eraser tool

dian sastrowardoyo 12

Buat layer baru di paling atas.. Warnai atas garis dengan aneka warna, sesuai selera..

dian sastrowardoyo 13

Ubah layer efek menjadi COLOR. ..

dian sastrowardoyo 14

dan perhatikan hasilnya, hapus bagian bawahnya dengan eraser tool, gunakan Soft Round supaya keliatan bergradasi.

dian sastrowardoyo 15

Sekarang Buka gambar RENDER PACK, gambar-gambar render pack tinggal cari aja di google image.. tulis kata kunci RENDER PACK , atau bisa download render pack yang dibawah

render pack

( Klik untuk memperbesar , kalo udah besar disayang pacar klik kanan save image as )

Setelah file render pack kebuka di photoshop, seleksi sebagian , lalu DRAG ke dokumen Foto editan tadi.. Atur-atur letak nya.. di rotate (puter), resize ( perkecil/perbesar), hapus pinggir-pinggir nya dengan Eraser tool ( Soft Round) dan yang paling penting, simpen di bawah layer foto.!

dian sastrowardoyo 17

Buat juga untuk bagian sisi yang laen dan bagian bawah.. untuk bagian bawah spesial berada di atas layer foto.

dian sastrowardoyo 118

Hasilnya kayak gini :

dian sastrowardoyo 19

Untuk membuat efek bening, buat layer baru, buat bentuk seperti dibawah dengan polygonal lasso tool,warnai dengan brush yang gede ( soft Round ) berwarna Putih dikit aja di bagian atas nya.

dian sastrowardoyo 20

Hapus bagian yang agak mengganggu dengan eraser tool (Soft Round ), Kecilkan Opacity nya.

dian sastrowardoyo 21

Dengan cara yang sama buat 2 lagi di atas nya

Hasil final nya:

Dian Sastrowardoyo Wallpaper

Selamat mencoba..

Artikel Membuat Wallpaper Dian Sastro pake Efek Futuristik ini dipersembahkan oleh Tutorial Photoshop Gratis. Kunjungi Wallpaper, Font, Desktop Theme Gratis Pokoknya Serba Gratis. Baca Juga Cara Membuat Foto manjadi Vektor,

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